
to give, bestow SN.i.18; Snp.463 sq., Snp.490 sq. Thig.272; Ja.i.28; Ja.iii.12 (variant reading pavacchati), Ja.iii.172; Ja.iv.363,, (vuṭṭhi-dhāraṃ pavecchanto devo pāvassi tāvade; variant reading pavattento); Pv.ii.9#43 (= deti Pv-a.130), Pv.ii.9#70 (= pavatteti ibid. Pv.ii.9#139); Pv.ii.10#7 (= deti ibid. Pv.ii.10#144) Mil.375.

another dern suggested by Dr. Barnett in J.R.A.S. 1924, 186 is = Sk pra-vṛścati.

most likely (as suggested by Trenckner, Notes 61) a distortion of payacchati (pa + yam) by way of *payecchati → pavecchati (cp. sa-yathā → seyyathā) Not with Morris, J.P.T.S. 1885, 43 fr. pa + vṛṣ, nor with Müller P.Gr. 120 fr. pa + viṣ (who with this derivation follows the P. Commentators, e.g. Ja.iii.12 pavesati, deti; Snp-a.407 (pavesati paṭipādeti); Geiger P.Gr. § 152, note 3 suggests (doubtfully) a Fut. stem (of viś?)