
greens, green leaves vegetable Vin.ii.267 (na harītaka ˚ṃ pakinitabbaṃ trsl. at Vin. Texts iii.343 by “carry on the business of florist and seedsman,” thus taken as paṇṇika, cp. also Vin. Texts iii.112); Ja.i.445 (paṇṇikāya saññaṃ adāsi is faulty; reading should be saṇṇikāya “with the goad, of saṇ(ṇ)ikā = Sk. sṛṇi elephant-driver’s hook).

to paṇṇaka; cp. Sk. parṇikā; meaning uncertain, cp. Kern,


p. 17 s. v.