adjective lit. against the slope; averse, objectionable, contrary, disagreeable Vin.i.58 (˚kūla) DN.iii.112, DN.iii.113; MN.i.341 (dukkha˚); SN.iv.172 (id.) Ja.i.393; Vv-a.92 (K.); Pv-a.77; Vb-a.250 sq
■ app˚ without objection, pleasant, agreeable Vv.53#2 (K.) Vism.70 (k)
■ nt. ˚ṃ loathsomeness, impurity Vv-a.232. See also abstr. pāṭikkūlyatā (paṭi˚).
- -gāhitā as neg. a˚ “refraining from contradiction (Dhs translation) Pp.24 (k.); Dhs.1327 (k.).
- -manasikāra realisation of the impurity of the body Dhp-a.ii.87 (˚kkula); Vb-a.251.
- -saññā (āhāre) the consciousness of the impurity of material food DN.iii.289, DN.iii.291; SN.v.132; AN.iv.49; adj.
- -saññin SN.i.227; SN.v.119, SN.v.317; AN.iii.169.
paṭi + kūla