

  1. see phussa3 2.
  2. Name of a month (Dec
    ■ Jan. Ja.i.86. Name of a lunar mansion or constellation Vv.53#4 (= phussa-tārakā Vv-a.236)
    ■ Frequent as Np., cp Vism.422, and combinations like ˚deva, ˚mitta.

fr. puṣ to blossom, nourish, etc. cp. Ved. puṣya


touching, feeling, realising; doubled at DN.i.45, DN.i.54.

ger. of phusati1


adjective noun

  1. speckled gaily-coloured, -kokila the spotted cuckoo [Kern


    s. v. phussa however takes it as “male-cuckoo, Sk. puṃs-kokila] Ja.v.419, Ja.v.423; Vv-a.57
    ■ As phussaka at AN.i.188 (so read for pussaka).

  2. in sense of “clear, excellent, exquisite” (or it is puṣya in sense of “substance, essence” of anything, as Geiger, P. Gr. § 40 1a?) in -ratha [cp. Sk, puṣpa˚, but prob. to be read puṣya˚?] a wonderful state carriage running of its own accord Ja.ii.39; Ja.iii.238; Ja.iv.34; Ja.v.248; sq.) variant reading pussa˚); Pv-a.74. -rāga [cp. Sk. puṣpa-rāga] topaz Mil.118; Vv-a.111
    ■ At Mnd.90 as variant reading to be preferred to pussa˚; in ˚tila, ˚tela, ˚dantakaṭṭha, etc with ref. to their use by Brahmins.

grd. formation fr. phusati2 2; scarcely fr. Sk. puṣya (to puṣ nourish, cp. poseti), but meaning rather “speckled” in all senses. The Sk. puṣyaratha is Sanskritisation of P. phussa˚