- a lotus plant, primarily the leaf of it, figuring in poetry and metaphor as not being able to be wetted by water Snp.392, Snp.812 (vuccati paduma-pattaṃ Mnd.135); Dhp.336; Iti.84.
- the skin of a drum (from its resemblance to the lotus-leaf SN.ii.267; Mil.261 (bheri˚). As Np. of an angel (Gandhabba) “Drum” at Vv.18#9.
- a species of waterbird (crane): see cpd. ˚sataka.
- -ṭṭha standing in water (?) Vin.i.215 (vanaṭṭha +), Vin.i.238 (id.).
- -patta a lotus leaf Snp.625; Dhp.401 (= paduma-patta Dhp-a.iv.166); Mil.250.
- -madhu the honey sap of Costus speciosus (a lotus) Ja.v.39, Ja.v.466.
- -vassa “lotus-leaf rain,” a portentous shower of rain, serving as special kind of test shower in which certain objects are wetted, but those showing a disinclination towards moisture are left untouched, like a lotus-leaf Ja.i.88; Ja.vi.586; Kp-a.164; Dhp-a.iii.163.
- -sātaka a species of crane, Ardea Siberica Ja.vi.539 (koṭṭha +) Snp-a.359. Cp. Np. Pokkharasāti Snp.594; Snp.p.115; Snp-a.372.
cp. Vedic puṣkara, fr. pus, though a certain relation to puṣpa seems to exist, cp. Sk. puṣpapattra a kind of arrow (lit. lotus-leaf) Halāyudha 2 314, and P. pokkhara-patta