shrivelled grain Mil.232 (sukka-yava˚ of dried barley); Dhp-a.ii.154 (SS; T. reads mūlakaṃ which is explained by Bdhgh as “nitthusaṃ katvā ussedetvā gahita-yava-taṇḍula vuccanti” ibid). Here belongs pulasa-patta of Ja.iii.478. (vv.ll. pulā˚, mūlā˚ mulā˚; explained by C. as “saṇhāṇi pulasa-gaccha-paṇṇāni, thus taking pulasa as a kind of shrub, prob. because the word was not properly understood).
cp. Sk. pulāka, Halāyudha 5, 43; not Sk. pulaka, as Kern,
s. v. for which see also Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v. pilus