

  1. chief, first, excellent eminent, (m.) a leader
    ■ AN.ii.168 (sanga sa˚); Pp.69 Pp.70; Mil.75 (hatthi˚ state elephant). disā˚ worldfamed Ja.i.166, Ja.i.285; Ja.ii.278; Ja.vi.347
    ■ Freq. in series agga seṭṭha pāmokkha attama, in exegesis of mahā (at Cnd.502 A e.g. , when AN.ii.95 reads mokkha for p.). See mahā. defined as “pamukhe sādhū ti” at Vb-a.332.
  2. facing east Pv.iv.3#53 (= pācīna-dis âbhimukha).

a grd. form. fr. pamukha, with lengthening of a as frequently in similar forms like pāṭidesanīya pāṭimokkha, pāmojja