Pātimokkha (pāti)˚
neuter a name given to a collection of various precepts contained in the Vinaya (forming the foundation of the Suttavibhanga, Vin vols. iii & iv. ed. Oldenberg), as they were recited on Uposatha days for the purpose of confession. See Geiger, P. Lit. c. 7, where literature is given; & cp.; Vin. Texts i.27 sq. Franke, Dighanikāya p. 66 sq.; - pāṭimokkhaṃ uddisati to recite the P. Vin.i.102, Vin.i.112, Vin.i.175; Vin.ii.259; Vin.iii.8 Vin.iv.143; Ud.51; opp. -ṃ ṭhapeti to suspend the (recital of the) P. Vin.ii.240 sq
■ See Vin.i.65, Vin.i.68; Vin.ii.95 Vin.ii.240 sq. Vin.ii.249; SN.v.187; Snp.340; Dhp.185, Dhp.375; Mnd.365 Vism.7, Vism.11, Vism.16 sq., Vism.36, Vism.292; Dhp-a.iii.237 (= jeṭṭhakasīla); Dhp-a.iv.111 (id.); Sdhp.342, Sdhp.355, Sdhp.449. -uddesa recitation of the P. Vin.i.102; DN.ii.46; MN.ii.8; Snp-a.199 -uddesaka one who recites the P. Vin.i.115, cp. Vin Texts i.242. -ṭhapana suspension of the P. Vin.ii.241 sq.; AN.v.70. -saṃvara “restraint that is binding on a recluse” (Dial. i.79), moral control under the P Vin.iv.51; DN.i.62; DN.ii.279; DN.iii.77, DN.iii.266, DN.iii.285; AN.iii.113 AN.iii.135, AN.iii.151; AN.iv.140; AN.v.71, AN.v.198; Iti.96, Iti.118; Ud.36; Vism.16 (where explained in detail); Vb-a.323; cp. saṃvuta-pāṭimokkha (adj.) Pv.iv.1#32.
with Childers plausibly as paṭi + mokkha, grd. of muc (Caus. mokṣ˚) with lengthening of paṭi as in other grd. like pāṭidesaniya. Thus in reality the same as paṭimokkha 2 in sense of binding, obligatory obligation, cp. Ja.v.25. The spelling is freq. pāti (BB pāṭi˚). The Sk. prāṭimokṣa is a wrong adaptation fr. P. pātimokkha, it should really be pratimokṣya “that which should be made binding.” An expln of the word after the style of a popular etym. is to be found at Vism.16