usually intrs. rajjati (q.v.). As rajitabba (grd.) in meaning “to be bleached” (dhovitabba +) only in meaning “bleach” (as compared with dhovati clean, & vijaṭeti to disentangle, smoothe) Vin.iii.235 (ppr. fr. pl. dhovantiyo rajantiyo etc.); Ja.i.8 (rajitabba, grd.; dhovitabba +)
■ Somehow it is difficult to distinguish between the meanings “bleach” and “dye” (cp rajaka), in some combinations with dhovati it clearly means “dye,” as at Vin.i.50 (forms: rajati, rajitabba, rajiyetha 3 sg. Pot. Med.); Vism.65 (forms: rajitvā, rajitabba rajituṃ)
■ Another grd. rajanīya in diff. meaning (see sep.). Caus. rajeti to paint, colour Thag.1155 (inf rajetave: (see Geiger, P.Gr. § 204, 1. a). Caus. also rañjeti (see under rañjati). Med. Pass. rajjati (q.v.)-Caus. ii. rajāpeti to cause to be bleached Vin.iii.206 (dhovāpeyya rajāpeyya ākoṭāpeyya), Vin.iii.235 (dhovapeti r. vijaṭāpeti); Ja.ii.197 (ovaṭṭikaṃ sibbāpetvā rajāpetvā)
raj & rañj; to shine, to be coloured or light (-red); to Idg. *areg to be bright, as in Lat. argus, Gr. ἀργής & ἀργός light; Sk. arjuna (see ajjuna); to which also rajati silver = Lat. argentum, Gr. α ̓́ργυρος; Gallic Argento-ratum (Name of Strassburg); Oir argat