
devoid, empty, free, rid (of) MN.i.207 (+ tuccha), MN.i.414; Vin.i.157 = Vin.ii.216; Snp.823 (emancipated: ritto muni = vivitta etc. Mnd.158), Snp.844 (opp. to aritta); Thig.265 (see rindi); Ja.i.29 (v. 222); Ja.iii.492; Mil.383.

  • -assāda finding one’s taste in empty things AN.i.280 (+ bāhir-assāda. Kern,


    s. v. reads rittāsa and trsls “impure (of food),” not according to the sense at all).

  • -āsana an empty seat Snp.963 (explained at Mnd.481 as “opportunity for sitting down which is free from unbefitting sights”).

  • -pesuṇa free fr. slander Snp.941 (explained at Mnd.422: “yassa pesuññaṃ pahīnaṃ” etc.)

  • -muṭṭhi an empty fist (˚sadisa: comparing someone as regards ignorance) Snp-a.306 = Dhp-a.iv.38.

  • -hattha (adj.) empty-handed Ja.v.46; Sdhp.309.

pp. of riñcati; cp. atireka