- to please, i.e. it pleases (with dat. of person) Thig.415 (rocate); Mhvs.15, Mhvs.9 (nivāso rocatu). Cp. BSk. rocyate Avs.ii.158.
- to find pleasure in (loc.) Mil.338 (bhave)
caus roceti: 1 to be pleased, to give one’s consent Dhp-a.i.387 (gloss K rucitha ruceyyātha). 2 (with acc. of object) to find pleasing, to find delight in, to be attached to, to approve of, to choose SN.i.41 (vadhaṃ); Ja.i.142 (devadattassa laddhiṃ r.); Ja.v.178 (pabbajjaṃ roc’ ahaṃ = rocemi C.), Ja.v.226 (kammaṃ). Freq. with dhammaṃ to approve of a doctrine or scheme e.g. at Vin.ii.199 (Devadattassa dhammaṃ); SN.i.133; Snp.94 (asataṃ dh.), Snp.398 (dhammaṃ imaṃ rocaye) Ja.iv.53 (dh. asataṃ na rocayāma)
■ Cp. abhi˚, ā˚, vi˚.
Vedic rocate, ruc, Idg. *leuq, as in Lat. luceo to be bright (cp. lūx light, lūmen, lūna etc.); Sk. rocana splendid, ruci light, roka & rukṣa light; Av. raocantshining; Gr. αμφι λύκη twi-light, λευκός white; also with 1: Sk. loka world, locate to perceive, locana eye Lith. laukti to await; Goth. liuhap light = Ohg. lioht E. light; Oir lōche lightning
■ The Dhtp (& Dhtm gives 2 roots; ruc, viz. the one with meaning “ditti (Dhtp.37), the other as “rocana” (Dhtp.395), both signifying “light” or “splendour,” but the second probably to be taken in sense of “pleasing”