to find delight or pleasure in (loc.), to please to indulge in, set one’s mind on Snp.565 (etañ ce r. bhoto buddha-sāsanaṃ); with khamati to be pleased and to approve of, MN.ii.132; often used by Bdhgh in C. style yathā r. tathā paṭhitabbaṃ Kp-a.78; “yaṃ r. taṃ gahetabbaṃ Snp-a.23, Snp-a.43, Snp-a.136, Snp-a.378” “to take, whichever one pleases” (in giving the choice of 2 readings or interpretations).
ger ruccitvā Vv-a.282 (r. pūresi “to find thorough delight in,” expln for abhirocesi). pret. 1st pl. ruccādimhase Pv.i.11#8 (= ruccāma ruciṃ uppādema, taṃ attano ruciyā pivissāmā ti attho Pv-a.59)
■ Prohibitive mā rucci (pl. mā rucittha) as an entreaty not to pursue an aim (= please do not do that, please don’t) Vin.ii.198 (alaṃ Devadatta mā te rucci sangha-bhedo); Dhp-a.i.13 (mā vo āvuso evaṃ ruccittha).
*rucyati Med. of ruc: see rocati. Same in Prk.
■ Originally Caus. formation like Epic Sk. rocyate for rocayate