to be vexed, oppressed, hurt, molested (always with ref. to an illness or pain Snp.767 (salla-viddho va r.) Snp.1121; Mnd.5 (= kuppati ghaṭṭiyati, pīḷiyati); Cnd.543 (= kuppati pīḷayati ghaṭayati)
ppr gen. ruppato SN.i.198 (salla-viddhassa r.; explained at K.S. 320 by “ghaṭṭan-atthena”) Snp.331 (reads salla-viddhāna ruppataṃ, i.e. pl. instead of sg.); Thag.967 (salla-viddhassa ruppato (C. sarīravikāraṃ āpajjato, Brethren, 338); Ja.ii.437 (C. ghaṭṭiyamāna pīḷiyamāna) = Vism.49 (dukkhitassa r.); Ja.iii.169 (salla-viddhassa r. = ghaṭṭiyamāna C.)
■ ruppati to Pāli exegesis with its fondness of allegorical (“orthodox”) interpretation, is the etym. base of rūpa, thus at SN.iii.86: “ruppatī ti tasmā rūpan ti vuccati kena r. sītena, uṇhena etc. (all kinds of material dukkha dukkha ii.3b) ruppati.”-Or at Snp.1121 (ruppanti rūpena), & at other passages given under rūpa (A). See also; ruppana.
rup = lup, one of the rare cases of P. r. representing a Sk. 1., whereas the opposite is frequent. The same sound change Idg., as Lat. rumpo to break corresponds to Sk. lumpati. Besides we find the Sk. form ropayati to break off
■ The root has nothing to do with rūpa, although the P. Commentators combine these two-Cp. also Sk. ropa hole; Ags. rēofan to break, rēaf (theft) = Ger. raub, rauben, and many other cognates (see Walde s. v. rumpo)
■ The root rup is defined at Dhtm by nās, i.e. to destroy; another rup is given at Dhtm.837 in meaning “ropana”