heaven, the next world, popularly conceived as a place of happiness and long life (cp. the pop. etym. of “suṭṭhu-aggattā sagga” Pv-a.9 “rūpādīhi visayehi suṭṭhu aggo ti saggo” Vism.427) usually the kām’āvacara-devaloka, sometimes also the 26 heavens (Thag-a.74). Sometimes as sagga ṭhāna (cp -loka), e.g.
■ Vin.i.223; DN.ii.86; DN.iii.52, DN.iii.146 sq. MN.i.22, MN.i.483; SN.i.12; AN.i.55 sq., AN.i.292 sq.; AN.ii.83 sq.; AN.iii.244 AN.iii.253 sq.; AN.iv.81; AN.v.135 sq.; Snp.224 (loc. pl. saggesu); Iti.14; Pv.i.1#3; Vism.103, Vism.199.
- -āpāya heaven and hell Thig.63; Snp.647.
- -ārohaṇa (-sopāna) (the stairs) leading to heaven (something like Jacob’s ladder) Vism.10.
- -kathā discourse or talk about heaven Vin.i.15 (cp. anupubbikathā)
- -kāya the heavenly assembly (of the gods)
- -dvāra heaven’s gate Vism.57.
- -patha = sagga Ja.i.256.
- -pada heavenly region, heaven Ja.ii.5; Ja.iv.272 (= saggaloka).
- -magga the way to heaven; Dhp-a.i.4.
- -loka the heavenworld MN.i.73; Ja.iv.272.
- -saṃvattanika leading to heaven DN.iii.66.
Vedic svarga, svar + ga