companion, friend DN.ii.78; MN.i.86; SN.iv.288; Pp.36; Snp.35, Snp.45 sq.; Ja.ii.29; --kicca assistance (?) Ja.v.339; --matta companion Ja.iv.76; --sampadā the good luck of having companions Snp.47; adiṭṭha-˚; a friend who has not yet been seen personally Ja.i.377; Ja.iii.364; bahu-˚; having many friends Vin.ii.158; nāhaṃ ettha sahāyo bhavis-sāmi I am not a party to that Ja.iii.46; asahāya Mil.225.
cp. Epic Sk. sahāya, fr. saha + i