adjective even or level with the border or bank, i.e. quite full, brimful DN.i.244 DN.ii.89; MN.i.435; MN.ii.7 = Mil.213; SN.ii.134; SN.v.170; Ja.i.400; Ja.i.235, Ja.i.393; Mil.121; Vism.170 (pattaṃ ˚tittikaṃ pūretvā; variant reading ˚titthikaṃ); AN.iii.403; Vin.i.230; Vin.iv.190 often written -tittika and -tittiya. [The form is probably connected with samaicchia-i.e. samaitthia (*samatisthita) in the Deśināmamālā viii.20 (Konow) Compare, however, Rhys Davids’ Buddhist Suttas, p. 1781; ˚-aṃ buñjāmi Mil.213; “I eat (only just) to the full” (opp. to bhiyyo bhuñjāmi) suggests the etymology: sama-titti + ka. Kern,
s. v. as above.]
sama3 + tittha + ika