Sambhavati, sambhuṇāti & sambhoti
- to be produced, to arise DN.i.45, DN.i.76; SN.i.135; SN.iv.67; Snp.734 Dāvs v.6; Mil.210.
- to be adequate, competent DN.ii.287; na s. is of no use or avail Mil.152.
- to be present, to witness Ja.i.56.
- to be together with Ja.ii.205 (C. on sambhaj-˚)
pres --bhuṇati or --bhuṇāti (like abhi-sam-bhuṇā̆ti) in the sense of “to reach” or “to be able to,” capable of Vin.i.256 (˚-bhuṇāti); Snp.396 (part. a-sambhuṇanto = asakkonto, C.); also sambhoti Snp.734, DN.ii.287; fut. sambhossāma Mhvs.5, Mhvs.100
aor sambhavi DN.i.96; 3rd pl. samabhavuṃ Dāvs v.6; ger sambhuyya having come together with Vv-a.232
pp sambhūta
caus sambhāveti (q.v.).
saṃ + bhavati