- crowding, pressure, inconvenience from crowding, obstruction Vism.119 janasambādharahita free from crowding Mil.409 kiṭṭhasambādha crowding of corn, the time when the corn is growing thick MN.i.115; Ja.i.143, Ja.i.388
■ yassa sambādho bhavissati he who finds it too crowded Vin.iv.43; asambādha unobstructed Snp.150; atisambādhatā (q.v.) the state of being too narrow Ja.i.7; puttadārasambādhasayana a bed encumbered with child and wife Mil.243; cp. SN.i.78; (in fig. sense) difficulty, trouble SN.i.7, SN.i.48; Ja.iv.488; sambādhapaṭipanna of the eclipsed moon SN.i.50. As adjective “crowded, dense” sambādho gharavāso life in the family is confined, i.e. a narrow life, full of hindrances DN.i.63, DN.i.250; SN.ii.219 SN.v.350; DN-a.i.180; s. magga a crowded path Ja.i.104 nijana˚ vana Vism.342; s. vyūha SN.v.369
■ atisambādha too confined Dhp-a.i.310 (cakkavāḷa)
■ compar. sambādhatara SN.v.350; asambādhaṃ comfortably Ja.i.80. - pudendum masculinum Vin.i.216; Vin.ii.134; pudendum muliebre Vin.iv.259; Snp.609; sambādhaṭṭhāna (nt.) pudendum muliebre Ja.i.61; Ja.iv.260.
cp. Sk. sambādha