

adjective similar, equal, even, same Snp.18, Snp.309; Ja.ii.108. Cp. sāmañña1.

Vedic samāna, fr. sama3


  1. being, existing DN.i.18, DN.i.60; Ja.i.218; Pv-a.129 (= santo), Pv-a.167 (id.).
  2. a kind of god DN.ii.260.
  • -āsanika entitled to a seat of the same height Vin.ii.169.
  • -gatika identical Tikp.35.
  • -bhāva equanimity Snp.702.
  • -vassika having spent the rainy season together Vin.i.168 sq.
  • -saṃvāsa living together with equals Dhp.302 (a˚), cp. Dhp-a.iii.462.
  • -saṃvāsaka belonging to the same communion Vin.i.321.
  • -sīmā the same boundary parish Vin.i.321; ˚ma belonging to the same parish Vin.ii.300.

ppr. fr. as to be