saṃyamati to practise self-control SN.i.209 (pāṇesu ca saṃyamāmase, translation “if we can keep our hands off living things”) pp saṃyata caus saññāmeti to restrain MN.i.365, MN.i.507; Dhp.37, Dhp.380. Cp paṭi˚. saṃ + yamati
to practise self-control SN.i.209 (pāṇesu ca saṃyamāmase, translation “if we can keep our hands off living things”) pp saṃyata caus saññāmeti to restrain MN.i.365, MN.i.507; Dhp.37, Dhp.380. Cp paṭi˚. saṃ + yamati