- put together, compound; conditioned, produced by a combination of causes, “created,” brought about as effect of actions in former births SN.ii.26; SN.iii.56; Vin.ii.284; Iti.37, Iti.88; Ja.ii.38; Ne.14; Dhs.1085; Dhs-a.47. As nt. that which is produced from a cause, i.e. the saṅkhāras SN.i.112; AN.i.83, AN.i.152; Ne.22. asaṅkhata not put together, not proceeding from a cause Dhs.983 (so read for sankhata), Dhs.1086; epithet of nibbāna “the Unconditioned” (& therefore unproductive of further life AN.i.152; SN.iv.359 sq.; Kv.317 sq.; Pv.iii.7#10 (= laddhanāma amataṃ Pv-a.207); Mil.270; Dhs.583 (see translation ibid.), Dhs.1439. The discernment of higher jhāna- states as saṅkhata is a preliminary to the attainment of Arahantship MN.iii.244. Cp. abhi˚; visankhita; visankhāra
- cooked, dressed Mhvs.32, Mhvs.39.
- embellished Mhvs.22, Mhvs.29.
- -lakkhaṇa properties of the sankhata, i.e. production decay and change AN.i.152; Vv-a.29.
pp. of sankharoti; Sk. saṃskṛta