set of precepts, “preceptorial,” code of training; instruction, precept, rule
- in general: DN.i.63, DN.i.146, DN.i.250; MN.i.33; AN.i.63, AN.i.235 sq. AN.ii.14, AN.ii.250 sq.; AN.iii.113, AN.iii.262; AN.iv.152, AN.iv.290 sq.; SN.ii.224 SN.v.187; Vin.i.102; Vin.ii.95, Vin.ii.258; Vin.iii.177; Vin.iv.141 (sahadhammika), Vin.iv.143 (khudd’ ânukhuddakāni); Iti.96, Iti.118 Vb-a.69 (bhesajja˚); Dhp-a.iii.16.
- in special: the 5 (or 10) rules of morality, or the precepts to be adopted in particular by one who is entering the Buddhist community either as a layman or an initiate. There seem to have been only 5 rules at first, which are the same as the first 5 sīlas (see sīla 2 b): SN.ii.167; Vb.285 (explained in detail at Vb-a.381 sq.); Dhp-a.i.32 and passim To these were added another 5, so as to make the whole list (the dasasikkhāpadaṃ or ˚padāni) one of 10 (which are not the 10 sīlas!). These are (6) vikāla-bhojanā (-veramaṇī) not eating at the wrong hour; (7) nacca-gītavādita-visūka-dassanā˚; to avoid worldly amusements (8) mālā-gandha-vilepana-dhāraṇa-maṇḍana-vibhūsanaṭṭhānā˚; to use neither unguents nor ornaments; (9 uccā-sayana-mahā-sayanā˚; not to sleep on a high, big bed; (10) jātarūpa rajata-paṭiggahaṇā˚; not to accept any gold or silver: Vin.i.83 = Kp ii.; AN.i.211, and frequently- dasa-sikkhāpadikā (f.) conforming to the 10 obligations (of a nun) Vin.iv.343 (= sāmaṇerī). There is nowhere any mention of the 8 sikkhāpadas as such, but they are called aṭṭhaṅgika uposatha (see sīla 2b) e.g. Mhvs.37, Mhvs.202
■ diyaḍḍha-sikkhāpada-sata the 150 precepts, i.e. the Pāṭimokkha AN.i.230, AN.i.234; Mil.243.
sikkhā + pada, the latter in sense of pada 3. Cp. BSk. śikṣāpada