
to mourn, grieve Snp.34; Dhp.15; Ja.i.168; Pv.i.8#7 (+ rodati); Pv.i.10#15; Pv.i.12#2; Mil.11;
pres 3rd pl. socare Snp.445; Dhp.225;
ppr socamāna Ja.ii.75;
ppr asocaṃ not grieving SN.i.116;
■ mā soci do not sorrow DN.ii.144;;
■ plur. mā socayittha do not grieve DN.ii.158
caus socayati to cause to grieve DN.i.52; SN.i.116 Thag.743 (ger. ˚ayitvā); Mil.226; soceti Ja.ii.8
pp socita
caus 2 socāpayati the same SN.i.116.

Vedic śocati, śuc, said of the gleaming of a fire