- clean, pure, Vin.i.16; Vin.ii.152; DN.i.110; Snp.476.
- purified, pure of heart MN.i.39; Dhp.125, Dhp.412; Snp.90
- simple, mere, unmixed, nothing but SN.i.135; Dhs-a.72; Ja.ii.252 (˚daṇḍaka just the stick).
- -antaparivāsa a probation of complete purification Vin.ii.59 sq.
- -ājīva clean livelihood Vb-a.116; Dhp-a.iv.111.
- -ājīvin living a pure life Dhp.366.
- -ānupassin considering what is pure Snp.788; Mnd.85.
- -āvāsa pure abode, name of a heaven and of the devas inhabiting it DN.ii.50; Vism.392. Five are enumerated at DN.iii.237 viz. Avihā, Atappā, Sudassā, Sudassī, Akaniṭṭhā; cp MN.iii.103.
- -āvāsakāyika belonging to the pure abode epithet of the Suddhāvāsa devas Vin.ii.302; DN.ii.253; SN.i.26.
- -pīti whose joy is pure Mhvs.29, Mhvs.49.
- -buddhi of pure intellect Ja.i.1.
- -vaṃsatā purity of lineage Mhvs.59, Mhvs.25.
- -vasana wearing pure clothes Thig.338 Thag-a.239.
- -vālukā white sand Mhvs.19, Mhvs.37.
- -saṅkhārapuñja a mere heap of sankhāras SN.i.135.
pp. of sujjhati