adjective subtle, minute Vin.i.14; DN.i.182; SN.iv.202; AN.ii.171; Dhs.676; Thig.266; Dhp.125 = Snp.662; Vism.274, Vism.488 (˚rūpā). fine, exquisite DN.ii.17, DN.ii.188; Mil.313; susukhuma, very subtle Thag.71 = Thag.210 (˚-nipuṇattha-dassin); cp. sokhumma; khoma-˚, kappāsa-˚, kambala-˚ (n.?) the finest sorts of linen, cotton stuff, woolwork (resp.) Mil.105
■ Der sokhumma.
- -acchika fine-meshed DN.i.45; DN-a.i.127; Tha-ap.21 (jāla)
- -diṭṭhi subtle view Iti.75.
- -dhāra with fine edge Mil.105.
Epic Sk. sūkṣma