adjective void, empty, devoid of lusts, evil dispositions, and karma, but especially of soul, ego Thig.46; Thag-a.50; Dhs.344; Mhvs.37, Mhvs.7; nibbāna Dhs-a.221; phassa SN.iv.295; vimokkha Dhp.92; Dhp-a.ii.172; Mil.413 vimokkha samādhi, and samāpatti Vin.iii.92 sq. Vin.iv.25 sq.; samādhi (contemplation of emptiness, see Cpd. 216) DN.iii.219 (one of. three samādhis); SN.iv.360 SN.iv.363; Mil.337; anupassanā Pts.ii.43 sq.
i.e. the abl. suññato used as adj. nom.