
“this like,” belonging to this, founded on this or that; on the ground of this (or these), appropriate, suitable; esp. in combination with vāyāma (a suitable effort as “causa movens”) AN.i.207; Mil.53. Also with reference to sense-impressions, etc denoting the complemental sensation SN.iv.215; MN.i.190, MN.i.191; Dhs.3–Dhs.6 (cp. Dhs. trsl. p. 6 & Com. expl anucchavika)
■ Pv-a.203 (tajjassa pāpassa katattā by the doing of such evil, variant reading SS tassajjassa, may be a contraction of tādiyassa otherwise tādisassa). Note. The expln of Kern,


ii.87 (tajja = tad + ja “arising from this”) is syntactically impossible.

tad + ya, cp. Sk. tadīya