
thread, a string, a loom Ja.i.356 (˚vitata-ṭṭhāna the place of weaving); Dhp-a.i.424. At Ja.iv.484 tanta is to be corrected to tata (stretched out).

  • -ākula tangled string, a tangled skein, in phrase tantākulajātā guḷāguṇṭhikajāta “entangled like a ball of string & covered with blight” SN.ii.92; SN.iv.158; AN.ii.211; Dpvs.xii.32. See guḷā;
  • -āvuta weaving weft, web SN.v.45; AN.i.286;
  • -bhaṇḍa weaving appliances Vin.ii.135;
  • -rajjuka “stringing & roping,” hanging execution Ja.iv.87;
  • -vāya a weaver Ja.i.356; Mil.331 Vism.259; Dhp-a.i.424.

Vedic tantra, to tanoti; cp. tantrī f. string