

(lit.) to go or get through, to cross (a river), pass over, traverse (fig.) to get beyond, i.e. to surmount, overcome, esp oghaṃ (the great flood of life, desire, ignorance, etc.) SN.i.53, SN.i.208, SN.i.214; SN.v.168, SN.v.186; Snp.173, Snp.273, Snp.771, Snp.1069 sangaṃ Snp.791; visattikaṃ Snp.333, Snp.857; ubhayaṃ (both worlds, here & beyond) Pv.iv.13#1 (= atikkameti Pv-a.278); Cnd.282-ppr. taranto Vin.i.191 (Aciravati) grd. taritabba Vin.iv.65 (nadī); aor. atari Ja.iii.189 (samuddaṃ) & atāri Snp.355, Snp.1047 (jāti-maraṇaṃ), pl atāruṃ Snp.1045
■ See also tāreti (Caus.), tāṇa, tāyate tiro, tiriyaṃ, tīra, tīreti.

Vedic tarati, *ter (tṛ) to get to the other side, cp. Lat. termen, terminus, Gr. τέρμα, τέρχρον; also Lat trans = Goth. pairh = Ags. purh = E. through


to be in a hurry, to make haste Thag.291; ppr. taramāna in ˚rūpa (adj.) quickly, hurriedly Snp.417; Pv.ii.6#2; Pv-a.181 (= turita) & ataramāna Vin.i.248; grd. taraṇīya Thag.293
■ See also tura, turita, turiya.

tvarate, pp. tvarita; also turati, turayati from *ter to turn round, move quickly, perhaps identical with the *ter of tarati1; cp. Ohg. dweran = E. twirl Gr. τορύνη = Lat. trua = Ger. quirl twirling-stick, also Lat. torqueo & turba & perhaps Ger. stūren, zerstören E. storm, see Walde, Lat. Wtb. under trua