

secondary base of numeral three (fr. ti) in compound: having a relation to a triad of, three-; in numerical compounds also = three (see under tayo).

  • -kaṭula containing 3 spices (of yāgu), viz. tila taṇḍula, mugga Vin.i.210; Vin.iii.66;
  • -cīvarika wearing three robes (cp. ticīvara) Vin.i.253; Ud.42; Pp.69 Vism.60.
  • -daṇḍika carrying the tripod (see tidaṇḍa); epithet of a brahmin ascetic AN.iii.276; Ja.ii.316 (= kuṇḍikaṃ ṭhapanatthāya tidaṇḍaṃ gahetvā caranto);
  • -dhātuka (nt.) the (worlds of the) threefold composition of elements = tiloka Ne.14, Ne.63 (tedhātuke vimutti sabbadhi vippamutta), Ne.82; cp. Kv.605;
  • -piṭaka versed in the three piṭakas (see piṭaka), epithet of theras bhikkhus Ja.iv.219; Mil.18 sq.; Dhp-a.i.7, Dhp-a.i.384; Dhp-a.iii.385 Dāvs v.22. Cp. Sk. tripiṭo bhikṣuḥ (Avs.i.334 Index to Divy);
  • -bhātika having 3 brothers Dhp-a.i.88, Dhp-a.i.97.
  • -bhūmaka belonging to the 3 stages of being (viz. the kāma, rūpa, arūpa existences; cp. ˚dhātuka & tiloka) Dhp-a.i.305; Dhp-a.iv.72; Dhs-a.50, Dhs-a.214 (˚kusala) Dhs-a.291;
  • -māsa (nt.), Dhs-a.3 months, i.e. a season MN.i.438; Mil.15; Dhp-a.ii.192; Pv-a.20;
  • -vācika pronouncing the threefold formula (of the saraṇa-gata) Vin.i.18;
  • -vijja (adj. possessed of the 3 fold knowledge (i.e. either the higher knowledge of the Brahmins, i.e. the 3 Vedas [cp. Sk. trayī vidyā = the knowledge of the Vedas] or of the Buddha Arahants, as defined at AN.i.164 sq., viz. 1 remembrance of former births, 2 insight into the (future) destiny of all beings, 3 recognition of the origin of misery & of the way to its removal, i.e. of the Path)
    1. brahmanic DN.i.238; AN.i.163; also as tevijjaka (n.) DN.i.88, DN.i.107, DN.i.119
    2. buddhistic: Vin.ii.161; MN.i.482; SN.i.194; AN.i.167 = Iti.100; Snp.594 = Vv-a.10; Pp.14; Dhp-a.i.138; Sdhp.420.
      ■*-tevijjatā* (abstr.) Vism.5.

Sk. trai˚