theft Vin.i.96; AN.i.129; Snp.119 (theyyā adinnaṃ ādiyati); Snp.242, Snp.967 (˚ṃ na kareyya) Vv.15#8 (: theyyaṃ vuccati thenabhāvo Vv-a.72); Mil.264, Mil.265; Vism.43 (˚paribhoga); DN-a.i.71; Sdhp.55, Sdhp.61.
- -citta intending to steal Vin.iii.58;
- -saṃvāsaka one who lives clandestinely with the bhikkhus (always foll by titthiyapakkantaka) Vin.i.86, Vin.i.135, Vin.i.168, Vin.i.320; Vin.v.222; Mil.310;
- -saṅkhātaṃ (adv.) by means of theft, stealthily DN.iii.65 sq., DN.iii.133; AN.iii.209; AN.iv.370 sq.; AN.v.264.
Vedic steya