(& thāmo nt. in instr. thāmasā MN.i.498; SN.ii.278 = Thag.1165; SN.iii.110, see below) “standing power, power of resistance, steadfastness, strength, firmness vigour, instr. thāmena (Mil.4; Pv-a.193); thāmasā (see above); thāmunā ( Often combined with bala Ja.i.63; Snp.68; with bala + java Pv-a.4; with bala viriya Cnd.289, Cnd.651; with java Ja.i.62; Vv-a.104; with viriya Ja.i.67
■ DN.iii.113; SN.i.78; SN.ii.28; SN.v.227; AN.i.50 AN.ii.187 sq.; AN.iv.192. Ja.i.8, Ja.i.265 (˚sampanna); Ja.ii.158 (id.); Dhs.13, Dhs.22; Vism.233 (˚mahatta); Dhp-a.iv.18; Pv-a.259
■ Instr. used as adv.: thāmena hard, very much Pv-a.193; thāmasā obstinately, perseveringly MN.i.257.
- -gatadiṭṭhika (adj.) one in whom heresy has become strong Ja.i.83 =
Vedic sthāman sthāmas nt.; sthā cp. Gr. στήμων, Lat. stamen (standing structure); Goth. stoma foundation