stupa or tope, a bell-shaped pile of earth, a mound, tumulus, cairn; dome, esp. a monument erected over the ashes of an Arahant (otherwise called dhātugabbha = dāgaba), or on spots consecrated as scenes of his acts. In general as tomb: Vin.iv.308; Ja.iii.156 (mattika˚) = Pv.i.8#4; in special as tope: DN.ii.142, DN.ii.161, DN.ii.164 sq.; AN.i.77; MN.ii.244; Ja.v.39 (rajata˚) Vv-a.156 (Kassapassa bhagavato dvādasayojanikaṃ kanaka˚); Ud.8; Pv.iii.10#5. Four people are thūpārahā, worthy of a tope, viz. a Tathāgata, a Tathāgatasāvaka a Paccekabuddha, a Cakkavattin DN.ii.143; AN.ii.245
■ At th. is to be corrected into dhūpaṃ.
Vedic stūpa, crown of the head, top, gable; cp. Gr. στύπος (handle, stalk). Oicel. stūfr (stump), to *steud as in tudati