pillar, prop support AN.ii.198; Vv.54#1 (= thambha Vv-a.245); DN-a.i.124. Esp. the sacrificial post in phrase thūṇûpanīta “lead to sacrifice” (yūpa-sankhātuṃ thūṇaṃ upa DN-a.i.294): DN.i.127≈SN.i.76≈ Dhp-a.ii.7; Ja.iii.45 kumbhathūṇā a sort of drum DN.i.6 etc. (see kumbha where also kumbha -thūṇika Vin.iv.285)
■ eka-thūṇaka with one support Ja.iv.79.
Vedic sthūṇā from sthā, standing fast, as in thambha, thīna, etc. Nearest relation is thāvara (= thūrā, on r: ṇ = l (thūla): n see tūṇī). Cp. Gr.σταυρός (post); Lat. restauro (to prop up again) Gr. στϋλος pillar, “style”; Goth. stojan etc. (see thāvara); Ags. styran = E. steer, Ger. steuer