grass, herb; weed; straw; thatch hay, litter SN.iii.137 (tiṇa, kasā, kusa, babbaja, bīraṇa) satiṇakaṭṭhodaka full of grass, wood & water (of an estate) DN.i.87, DN.i.111, etc.; sītaṃ vā uṇhaṃ vā rajo vā tiṇaṃ vā ussāvo vā (dust & weeds) DN.ii.19; AN.i.145 t. + paṇṇa (grass & leaves1) AN.i.183; Vv-a.5
■ Ja.i.108 (dabba˚), Ja.i.295; Ja.iii.53; Pv.i.8#1 (harita t.); Pv.iv.1#48; Vism.353 (kuṇṭha˚); DN-a.i.77 (alla˚ fresh grass); Pv-a.7 (weed), Pv-a.62 (grass), Pv-a.112; Dhp-a.iv.121; Mil.47 (thatch), Mil.224 (id.).
- -aṇḍupaka a roll of grass Vin.i.208 = Vin.iii.249;
- -āgāra a thatched cottage AN.i.101 (+ naḷāgāra);
- -ukkā a firebrand of dry grass or hay SN.ii.152; SN.iii.185; Ja.i.212 Ja.i.296; Vism.428; Dhp-a.i.126; Thag-a.287; Bdhd 107
- -karala a wisp of grass Dhp-a.iii.38;
- -kājaka a load of g Dhp-a.iv.121;
- -gahana a thicket of g., a jungle AN.i.153
- -cuṇṇa crushed & powdered (dry) grass or herbs Vin.i.203; Vv-a.100 (-rajânukiṇṇa);
- -jāti grass-creeper Vv-a.162;
- -dāya a grass-jungle SN.ii.152;
- -dosa damaged by weeds (khetta) Dhp.356; Pv-a.7;
- -pupphaka (-roga sickness caused by the flowering of grass, hay-fever Mil.216;
- -purisaka a straw-man, a scarecrow Mil.352; Vism.462; Dhs-a.111;
- -bhakkha eating grass; of animals MN.iii.167; of ascetics DN.i.166; Pp.55; AN.i.241 AN.i.295;
- -bhusa chaff, litter, dry grass Vv-a.47;
- -rukkha a shrub;
- -vatthāraka one of the seven Adhikaraṇasamathas (ways in which litigation may be settled). In case mutual complaints of breach of the rules have been brought before a chapter, then the chapter may decline to go into the details and, with the consent of the litigants, declare all the charges settled. See Vin Texts, iii.30–34. This is the “covering over as if with grass” Vin.ii.87 (in detail, cp. also tassapāpiyyasikā) DN.iii.254; AN.i.99; MN.ii.250;
- -santhāraka a mat of grass Vin.i.286; Vin.ii.113, Vin.ii.116; Ja.i.360.
Vedic tṛṇa, from *ter (cp. tarati) to pierce, orig. “point” (= blade); Goth. paúrnus, Ags. porn = E thorn, Ger. dorn