
adjective both; nom. acc. ubho SN.i.87; AN.iii.48 = Iti.16; Iti.43 = Snp.661 = Dhp.306; Snp.220 Snp.543, Snp.597; Dhp.74, Dhp.256, Dhp.269; Dhp.412; Mnd.109; Pv.i.7#6 Ja.i.223; Ja.ii.3; Pv-a.13, Pv-a.82 (tā ubho)
ubhantaṃ both ends, both sides Snp.1042 (see Cnd.169; Snp-a.588 explains by ubho ante)
■ gen. ubhinnaṃ SN.i.162; SN.ii.222; Ja.ii.3 instr. ubhohi (hatthehi) Vin.ii.256; Ja.iv.142; loc. ubhosu Snp.778 (antesu); Ja.i.264 (passesu; Pv-a.94 (hatthesu). Note. The form ubhayo at Pv.ii.3#10 is to be regarded as a nom. fem. (= duve Pv-a.86).

Sk. ubhau, an old remnant of a dual form in Pāli; cp. Gr. α ̓́μφω both, Lat. ambo, Lith. abū, Goth. bai Ohg. beide = E. both. To prep. adv. *amb, *ambi; see abhi & cp. also vīsati