
the termite or white ant Vin.ii.113 Vin.ii.148, Vin.ii.152; Vin.iii.151; MN.i.306; Ja.iii.320; Ja.iv.331; Mil.363 Mil.392; Vism.62, Dhp-a.ii.25; Dhp-a.iii.15.

connected with Sk. upadīkā, although the relation is not quite clear. Attempts at explains by Trencker Notes 62 (*utpādikā → upatikā → upacikā) & Kern,


p. 102 (upacikā = Vedic upajīka, this fr. upajihikā for ˚dihikā, vv.ll. upadehihā & upadīkā). It may however be a direct der. from upa + ; ci, thus meaning “making heaps, a builder”