
indeclinable over, above (prep. & prefix)

  1. (adv. on top, above (opp. adho below) Vin.iv.46 (opp. heṭṭhā) Ja.vi.432; Kp-a.248 (= uddhaṃ; opp. adho); Snp-a.392 (abtimukho u. gacchati explaining paccuggacchati of Snp.442); Pv-a.11 (heṭṭhā manussa-saṇṭhānaṃ upari sūkara-s˚), Pv-a.47 (upari chattaṃ dhāriyamāna), Pv-a.145 (sabbattha upari upon everything).
  2. (prep. w. gen) with ref. either to space = on top of, on, upon, as in kassa upari sāpo patissati on whom shall the curse fall? Dhp-a.i.41; attano u. patati falls upon himself Pv-a.45; etissā upari kodho anger on her, i.e. against her Vv-a.68; or to time = on top of, after, later, as in catunnaṃ māsānaṃ upari after 4 months Pv-a.52 (= uddhaṃ catūhi māsehi of Pv.i.10#12) sattannaṃ vassa-satānaṃ upari after 700 years Pv-a.144.
  3. (adv. in compn., meaning “upper, higher, on the upper or top side”, or “on top of”, if the phrase is in loc. case See below.
  • -cara walking in the air, suspended, flying Ja.iii.454

  • -pāsāda the upper story of a palace, loc. on the terrace DN.i.112 (loc.); Pv-a.105, Pv-a.279.

  • -piṭṭhi top side, platform Vin.ii.207 (loc).

  • -bhaddaka Name of a tree [either Sk bhadraka Pinus Deodara, or bhadra Nauclea Cadamba after Kern,


    s. v.] Ja.vi.269.

  • -bhāga the upper part used in instr., loc or aor. in sense of “above, over beyond” Ja.iv.232 (instr.).

  • -bhāva higher state or condition MN.i.45 (opp. adh˚).

  • -mukha face upwards DN-a.i.228; Pp-a.214.

  • -vasana upper garment Pv-a.49.

  • -vāta higher than the wind, loc. on the wind Ja.ii.11; or in ˚passe (loc.) on the upper (wind-) side Dhp-a.ii.17.

  • -cara walking in the air, suspended, flying Ja.iii.454

  • -vehāsa high in the air (˚-), in ˚kuṭī a lofty or open air chamber, or a room in the upper story of the Vihāra Vin.iv.46 (what the C. means by expln. majjhimassa purisassa asīsa-ghaṭṭā “not knocking against the head of a middle-(sized) man” is not quite clear).

  • -sacca higher truth Pv-a.66 (so read for upari sacca).

Vedic upari, der. fr. upa, Idg. *uper(i); Gr. υπερ, Lat. s-uper; Goth. ufar, Ohg. ubir = Ger. über E. over; Oir. for