
servitor, personal attendant, servant, “famulus” Ānanda was the last u. of Gotama Buddha (see DN.i.206 Thag.1041 f.; Thag-a in Brethren loc. cit.; Vin.i.179 (Sāgato u.), Vin.i.194; Vin.ii.186; Vin.iii.66; Vin.iv.47; DN.i.150 (Nāgita) SN.iii.113; AN.i.121; AN.iii.31, AN.iii.189; Ja.i.15, Ja.i.100 (a merchant’s), Ja.ii.416; Pp.28; Dhp-a.ii.93; Vv-a.149; Pv-a.211
agg˚ main follower, chief attendant DN.ii.6; gilān˚; an attendant in sickness, nurse Vin.i.303; AN.i.26; saṅgh˚; one who looks after the community of Bhikkhus Vin.i.216; AN.i.26 AN.iii.39
dupaṭṭhāka & supaṭṭhāka; a bad (& good) attendant Vin.i.302.

  • -kula a family entertaining (or ministering to) a thera or a bhikkhu, a family devoted to the service of (gen. Vin.i.83 (Sāriputtassa), Vin.i.213; Vin.iii.62, Vin.iii.66, Vin.iii.67; Vin.iv.283, Vin.iv.286; Vv-a.120.

fr. upa + sthā, cp. BSk. upasthāka Mvu.i.251, and upasthāyaka Divy.426; Avs.i.214; Avs.ii.85 112.