
  1. rising, rise, getting up, standing (opp. sayana & nisīdana lying or sitting down) DN.ii.134 (sīha-seyyaṃ kappesi uṭṭhāna-saññaṃ manasikaritvā); Dhp.280 (˚kāla); Ja.i.392 (an˚-seyyā a bed from which one cannot get up); Vism.73 (aruṇ-uṭṭhānavelā time of sunrise) Dhp-a.i.17.
  2. rise, origin, occasion or oppertunity for; as adj. (-˚) producing Ja.i.47 (kapp˚), Ja.vi.459; Mil.326 (dhaññ˚ khettaṃ atthi).
  3. “rousing” exertion, energy, zeal, activity, manly vigour, industry often syn. with viriya MN.i.86; AN.i.94; AN.ii.135 (˚phala), AN.iii.45 (˚viriya), AN.ii.311; AN.iv.281 (˚sampadā); Iti.66 (˚adhigataṃ dhanaṃ earned by industry); Pv.iv.3#24; Pp.51 (˚phala) Mil.344, Mil.416; Thag-a.267 (˚viriya); Pv-a.129 (+ viriya) -an˚; want of energy, sluggishness AN.iv.195; Dhp.241. Note. The form vuṭṭhāna appears for uṭṭh˚ after a vowel under the same conditions as vuṭṭhahati for uṭṭhahati (q.v.) gabbha-vuṭṭhānaṃ Ja.i.114. See also vuṭṭh˚; and cp. pariy˚.

fr. ut + ṣṭhā