adjective noun
- grown, old; an Elder; venerable, respectable; one who has authority At Ja.i.219 three kinds of vaddha are distinguished: one by nature (jāti˚), one by age (vayo˚), one by virtue (guṇa˚); Ja.v.140 (= paññāya vuddha C.). Usually combined with apacāyati to respect the aged, e.g. Ja.i.219 and in cpd. vaddh-apacāyika respecting the elders or those in authority Ja.iv.94; and -apacāyin id. Snp.325 (= vaddhānaṃ apaciti-karaṇa Snp-a.332); Dhp.109; Dhp-a.ii.239 (= buḍḍhatare guṇavuddhe apacāyamāna) Cp. jeṭṭh’ apacāyin.
- glad, joyful; in cpd. -bhūta gladdened, cheerful Ja.v.6.
pp. of vaḍḍhati; see also vaḍḍha, vuḍḍha & vuddha. The root given by Dhtp (166) for; vṛdh is vadh in meaning “vuddhi”
masculine & neuter a (leather) strap, thong Ja.ii.154 (vv.ll. baddha, bandhana bandha, vaṭṭa). Occurs as aṃsa˚; shoulder strap at Tha-ap.310, where ed. prints baddha (= baddha2).
- -maya consisting of a strap, made of leather Ja.ii.153.
cp. Vedic vardhra in meaning “tape”