- cloth; clothing, garment raiment; also collectively: clothes; MN.i.36 sq. AN.i.132, AN.i.209, AN.i.286; AN.ii.85, AN.ii.241; AN.iii.27 (odātaṃ), AN.iii.50 (kāsikaṃ), AN.iii.386 (kāsāyaṃ); AN.iv.60, AN.iv.186, AN.iv.210; AN.v.61 sq. (ubhatobhāga-vimaṭṭhaṃ = MN.ii.13, reading vimaddha; with the expression cp. ubhato-bhāga-vimutta); Snp.295 Snp.304; Kp-a.237 (˚ṃ pariyodāyati, simile); Pv-a.43, Pv-a.50 Pv-a.70; Sdhp.217
■ alla˚; fresh, clean clothes Dhp-a.iv.220 ahata˚; new clothes Ja.i.50; Dāvs ii.39; dibba˚; heavenly i.e. exquisite dresses Pv-a.23, Pv-a.46, Pv-a.53
■ pl. vatthāni garments, clothes Snp.64, Snp.287, Snp.924; Pp.57 (kāsāyāni) Dhp-a.i.219 (their uses, from a new dress down to a bit of rag). - hangings, tapestry Ja.iv.304
■ On vattha in similes see J.P.T.S. 1907, 132.
- -guyha “that which is concealed by a cloth,” i.e. the pudendum DN.i.106; Snp.1022; DN-a.i.275 (= angajātaṃ Bhagavato ti vāraṇass’ eva kosohitaṃ vatthaguyhaṃ suvaṇṇavaṇṇaṃ paduma-gabbha-samānaṃ).
- -yuga a pair of garments Ja.iv.172; Dāvs i.34.
- -lakkhaṇa fortune telling from clothes Snp-a.362.
- -sannidhi storing up of clothes DN.i.6; Mnd.372; DN-a.i.82.
- -sutta the Suttanta on clothes (i.e. with the parable of the clothes vatth’ upama-sutta) MN.i.36 sq., quoted at Vism.377 and Snp-a.119.
Vedic vastra, fr. vas, vaste to clothe; Idg. *ṷes, enlargement of *eu (: Lat. ex-uo); cp. Lat. vestis “vest(-ment),” Gr. ε ̔́ννυμι to clothe, ε ̔ϊμα dress; Goth wasjan to clothe; wasti dress
as pp. of vasati1 occurs only in cpd. nivattha. The two passages in Pv-a where vattha is printed as pp (vatthāni vattha) are to be read as vattha-nivattha (Pv-a.46, Pv-a.62).