- a wick SN.ii.86 = SN.iii.126 = SN.iv.213; Ja.i.243 (dīpa˚); Dhp-a.393; Thag-a.72 (Ap.v.45: nom. pl. vaṭṭīni); Mhvs.32, Mhvs.37 Mhvs.34, Mhvs.35.
- enclosure, lining, film, skin Vism.258 (anta˚ entrails), Vism.262 (udara˚); Ja.i.260 (anta˚, so read for ˚vaddhi).
- edge, rim, brim, circumference Vin.ii.120 (aggala˚; of the door), Vin.ii.148 (id.); SN.iii.141 (patta of a vase or bowl); SN.iv.168 (id.); Dhp-a.ii.124 (nemi˚) Often as mukha-vaṭṭi outer rim, border, lining, e.g. cakkavāḷa˚ Ja.i.64, Ja.i.72; Dhp-a.i.319; Dhp-a.iii.209; patt˚ Ja.v.38 pāsāda˚ Dhs-a.107.
- strip, fringe Vin.ii.266 (dussa˚) Ja.v.73 (camma˚); Mhvs.11, Mhvs.15.
- a sheath, bag, pod Ja.iii.366 (tiṇa˚); Mhvs.26, Mhvs.17 (marica˚ red pepper pod) Dhp-a.iv.203 (reṇu˚).
- a lump, ball Dhp-a.iii.117 (pubba˚, of matter).
- rolling forth or along, a gush (of water), pour Ja.i.109 (or to vṛṣ?).
represents both Epic Sk. varti and vṛtti, differentiated derivations from vṛt, combining the meanings of “turning, rolling” and “encircling, round”