
  1. (cp. vediyati & vedanā) (joyful) feeling, religious feeling, enthusiasm awe, emotion, excitement (something like; saṃvega) DN.ii.210 (˚paṭilābha + somanassa-paṭilābha) MN.i.465 (uḷāra); Snp.1027 (= pīti Snp-a.585); Ja.ii.336 Ja.iii.266. attha-veda + dhamma-veda enthusiasm for the truth (for the letter & the spirit) of Buddha’s teaching MN.i.37; AN.v.329 sq., AN.v.333, AN.v.349, AN.v.352; veda here interpreted as “somanassaṃ” at MN-a.i.173
    ■ See also cpd -jāta.
  2. (cp. vedeti & vijjā) (higher) knowledge (as “Buddhist” antithesis to the authority of the “Veda”) insight, revelation, wisdom: that which Bdhgh at MN-a.i.173 defines with “ñāṇa,” and illustrates with vedagū of Snp.1059; or refers to at DN-a.i.139 with defn “vidanti etenā ti vedo.” Thus at Snp.529 & Snp.792 (= vedā vuccanti catūsu maggesu ñāṇaṃ paññā Mnd.93), cp. Snp-a.403
    ■ As adj. veda epithet of the Buddha “the knower or the possessor of revelation, at MN.i.386. See also vedagū.
  3. the Veda(s), the brahmanic canon of authorized religious teaching (revelation) & practice otherwise given as “gantha” i.e. “text” at MN-a.i.173 & illustrated with “tiṇṇaṃ vedānaṃ pāragū.” The latter formula is frequent in stock phrase describing the accomplishments of a Brahmin, e.g. at DN.i.88; MN.ii.133; Snp.1019; AN.i.163; Dhp-a.iii.361. In the older texts only the 3 Vedas (irubbeda = Rg; yaju˚ & sāma˚) are referred to, whereas later (in the Commentaries) we find the 4 mentioned (athabbana added), e.g. the; three at SN.iv.118; Ja.i.168; Ja.ii.47; Ja.iii.537; Mil.10; Vism.384; the four at DN-a.i.247; Mil.178
    ■ Unspecified (sg.): Snp-a.462 As adj. veda “knowing the Vedas” Snp-a.463 (ti˚), cp tevijja
    ■ The Vedas in this connection are not often mentioned, they are almost identical with the Mantras (see manta) and are often (in Com.) mentioned either jointly with manta or promiscuously, e.g. Pv.ii.6#13 (the Vedas with the 6 aṅgas, i.e. vedāngas, called manta); Snp-a.293 (manta-pāragū + veda-pāragū), Snp-a.322, Snp-a.448.

-antagu “one who has reached the end of knowledge, i.e. one who has obtained perfection in wisdom Vin.i.3; Snp.463. - one who has attained to highest knowledge (said of the Buddha). Thus different from “tiṇṇaṃ vedānaṃ pāragū,” which is brahmanic. The expln of vedagū is “catūsu maggesu ñāṇaṃ” Cnd.612 & see above 2
■ SN.i.141, SN.i.168; SN.iv.83, SN.iv.206; AN.ii.6; AN.iv.340; Snp.322, Snp.458, Snp.529, Snp.749, Snp.846, Snp.947, Snp.1049, Snp.1060; Mnd.93 Mnd.204, Mnd.299, Mnd.431. A peculiar meaning of vedagū is that of “soul” (lit. attainer of wisdom) at Mil.54 & Mil.71; -jāta thrilled, filled with enthusiasm, overcome with awe, excited AN.ii.63; Snp.995, Snp.1023; Kv.554 = Vv.34#27 (= jāta-somanassa Vv-a.156); Ja.i.11; Mil.297. -pāragū one who excels in the knowledge of the Vedas, perfected in the Veda Snp-a.293; cp. above 3. -bandhu one who is familiar with the Vedas Snp-a.192.

fr. vid, or more specifically ved as P. root