- (f.) feeling, sensation (see on term, e.g. Cpd. 14 Mrs. Rh D. B. Psy., ch. iv.) DN.i.45; DN.ii.58 (cp. Dial. ii.54), DN.ii.66, DN.iii.58, DN.iii.77, DN.iii.221, DN.iii.228, DN.iii.238 (˚upādāna); SN.iii.86 sq.; AN.i.39, AN.i.122, AN.i.141; AN.ii.79, AN.ii.198, AN.ii.256; AN.iii.245 sq., AN.iii.450; AN.iv.301 AN.iv.385; Kp iii. (tisso v.); Snp.435, Snp.529, Snp.739, Snp.1111; Mnd.109 Cnd.551 (tisso v.); Pts.i.6, Pts.i.50 sq., Pts.i.145 sq., Pts.i.153 sq. Pts.ii.109 sq., Pts.181 sq.; Vb.135 sq., Vb.294, Vb.401, Vb.403 sq. Dhs.3, Dhs.1348; Ne.27, Ne.65 sq.; Ne.83, Ne.123, Ne.126; Tikp.246, Kp.317 sq., Kp.345 sq.; Vism.460 sq.; DN-a.i.125; Vb-a.13 sq. Vb-a.39 sq. Vb-a.80, Vb-a.178, Vb-a.193, Vb-a.221 (˚ânupassanā, in detail), Vb-a.263 sq. Vb-a.382 (various)
■ Three modes of feeling (usually understood whenever mention is made of “tisso vedanā”) sukhā (pleasant), dukkhā (painful) adukkha-m-asukhā (indifferent) DN.iii.275; SN.ii.53, SN.ii.82; SN.iv.207; AN.iii.400; Iti.46; Tikp.317 sq
■ or: kusalā, akusalā, avyākatā Vism.460
■ Five vedanās: sukhaṃ, dukkhaṃ, somanassaṃ domanassaṃ, upekkhā Vism.461. Categories of 2 to 108 modes of Vedanā, SN.iv.223 sq
■ vedanā is one of the 5 khandhas (see khandha ii.B)
■ On relation of old and new sensations (purāṇa˚ → nava˚) see e.g. AN.ii.40; AN.iii.388; AN.iv.167; Vism.33; and see formula under yātrā
■ In the Paṭiccasamuppāda (q.v.) vedanā stands between phassa as condition and taṇhā as result; see e.g. Vism.567 sq. - (in special application) painful sensation, suffering, pain (i.e. dukkhavedanā) MN.i.59; AN.i.153 (sārīrikā bodily pain); AN.ii.116 (id.); AN.iii.143 (id.); Pv.i.10#15; Mil.253 (kāyikā & cetasikā); Vb-a.101 (maraṇ’ antikā v. agonies of death)- vedan’ aṭṭa afflicted by pain Vin.ii.61; Vin.iii.100; Ja.i.293-As adj. vedana suffering or to be suffered Pv.iii.10#6 (= anubhūyamāna Pv-a.214)
■ vedana at Ja.iii.349 is to be read as vetana.
fr. ved˚: see vedeti; cp. Epic Sk. vedanā