
hatred, revenge, hostile action, sin AN.iv.247; Dhp.5; Ja.iv.71; Dhp-a.i.50. Pv-a.13
avera absence of enmity, friendliness; (adj. friendly, peaceable, kind DN.i.167, DN.i.247 (sa˚ & a˚), DN.i.251; SN.iv.296; AN.iv.246; Snp.150. The pañca bhayāni verāni (or vera-bhayā) or pañca verā (Vb.378) “the fivefold guilty dread” are the fears connected with sins against the 5 first commandments (sīlāni); see SN.ii.68; AN.iii.204 sq.; AN.iv.405 sq.; AN.v.182; Iti.57 = Snp.167 (vera-bhay’atīta). Veraka = vera; a

cp. Sk. vaira, der. fr. vīra