- discrimination, distinction, thought, (firm) opinion thorough knowledge of (-˚) AN.iii.354 (pāpakamma˚) Snp.327 (dhamma˚), Snp.838 (= dvāsaṭṭhi diṭṭhi-vinicchayā Mnd.186), Snp.867 (˚ṃ kūrute; cp. Mnd.265); Ja.iii.205 (attha˚) Pv-a.1, Pv-a.112, Pv-a.210 (kūṭa˚), Pv-a.287.
- decision; (as t. t. in law:) investigation, trial, judgment (given by the king or his ministers) DN.ii.58 (with ref. to lābha, explained as deciding what to do with one’s gains) = DN.iii.289 = AN.iv.400 = Vb.390 (explained at Vb-a.512, where vinicchaya is said to be fourfold, viz. ñāṇa˚, taṇhā˚, diṭṭhi˚, vitakka˚); Ja.ii.2.
- court house, hall of judgment Ja.i.176 Ja.iii.105; Ja.iv.122, Ja.iv.370;; Mil.332 (vinaya˚, i.e. having the Vinaya as the law court in the City of Righteousness).
- (as t. t. in logic & psychology: (process of) judgment, detailed analysis, deliberation consideration, ascertainment Ja.v.60 (˚ṃ vicāreti) Vb-a.46 sq. (according to attha, lakkhaṇa, etc.), Vb-a.83 sq (id.); Kp-a.23, Kp-a.75.
- -kathā analytical discussion, exegesis, interpretation Vism.16; Vb-a.291 (opp. pāḷi-vaṇṇanā).
- -ññū clever in deciding or giving judgment Ja.iii.205 Ja.v.367 (a˚)
- -ṭṭhāna place of judgment, law court Ja.v.229 Dhp-a.iii.141 Dhp-a.iv.215
vi + nicchaya; cp. Vedic viniścaya