
only in phrase -ññū either: knowing diffuseness or detail, or: of unillusioned understanding, clear-minded, unprejudiced combined with ugghaṭita-ññū at AN.ii.135 = Pp.41 (trsld by B. C. Law as “learning by exposition”; Pp-a 223 explains as “vitthāritaṃ atthaṃ jānāti,” i.e. one who knows a matter explained in detail. The spelling at AN.ii.135 is vipacita˚; at Pp.41 vipaccita˚ & at PugA vipaccita˚ with variant reading vipañcita˚); Ne.7 sq., Ne.125; Snp-a.163 (where ugghaṭita-ññū is applied to those who understand by condensed instruction, sankhepa-desanāya, and vipañcita-ññū to those who need a detailed one, vitthāradesanā; thus “learning by diffuseness”)
■ At Ne.9 we have the var. terms vipañcanā, vipañcayati vipañciyati; (Denom.) used in the description of var ways of parsing and grammatical analysis. Here vipañcanā (resting clearly on Sk. papañca expansion means “expanding” (by letters & vowels) and stands midway between; ugghaṭanā & vitthāraṇā “condensing & detailing.” The term vipañcayati (= vipañciyati) is used in the same way
Note. The term is not sufficiently cleared up. It occurs in BSk. as vipañcika (e.g. Divy.319, Divy.391, Divy.475, where it is applied to “brāhmaṇā naimittikā” & trsld by Cowell as “sooth-sayer”), and vipañcanaka (Divy.548?), with which cp. vipañcitājña at Lal.520. See remark on vejjañjanika.

fr. vi + pañc, cp. papañcita