
fulfilled accomplished; (or:) lived, spent (= vuttha); only in phrase vusitaṃ brahmacariyaṃ (translation Dial. i.93; “the higher life has been fulfilled”) DN.i.84 (cp. Dhp.i.225 vutthaṃ parivutthaṃ); Iti.115 (ed. vūsita˚); Snp.463 Snp.493; Pp.61
■ Also at DN.i.90 neg. a˚, with ref. to avusitavā, where Rh. D. (Dial. i.112) trsls “ill-bred and “rude,” hardly just. See also arahant ii.A.



s. v. vasati takes it as vi + uṣita (of vas2), against which speaks meaning of vivasati “to live from home.” Geiger,

Pali Grammar

§ 66#1 & 195 expld it as uṣita with prothetic v, as by-form of vuttha. Best fitting in meaning is assumption of vusita being a variant of vosita, with change of o to u in analogy to vuttha; thus = vi + osita “fulfilled, come to an end or to perfection”; cp. pariyosita. Geiger’s expln is supported by phrase brahmacariyaṃ vasati