
  1. (adj.) carrying, pulling, drawing Vin.ii.122 (udaka˚-rajju); Ja.i.136 (kaṭṭha˚ gathering fire-wood); Pv-a.127 (ratha-yuga˚).
  2. (nt.) conveyance, beast of burden, monture Vin.i.277 (˚āgāra stable garage); Snp.442 (Māra sa˚ with his elephant); Pv.ii.9#26 Dhp-a.i.192 (hatthi˚, elephant-mount; cp. p. 196 where five. vāhanāni, belonging to King Pajjota, are enumerated, viz. kaṇeru, dāsa, dve assā, hatthi)
    bala˚ army & elephants, i.e. army in general, forces Ja.i.262.

fr. vāheti